Dry January

2 minutes

In 2024, I’m participating in Dry January for the first time. After talking with Joe & Matt at Go Brewing, I was inspired to try this! I spoke with Joe on the podcast in August, and I enjoy their different beers, so now is as good a time as any to do this. I tried for a week 5-6 years ago, and that wasn’t easy, but the NA choices available back then pale compared to what you can enjoy in 2024, so I feel I’ve got this with the tools available!

I’m doing this for many reasons, primarily for my weight and health. Since the pandemic and the start of the podcast, I’ve put on 40 pounds, and it’s time for that to go away. Since I injured my back in August, I haven’t been as active as I’d liked, which is understandable but still not an excuse. So that’s on me. I had some epidural injections in my back last week, so hopefully, that’ll kick in, and I can be more active now to help me drop that weight. If not, I’ll be more mindful about my health and weight between dropping the beer and diet.  

On January 1st, I’ll hit the scale and take a picture in a XXL brewers shirt and 40 waist jeans, and take another in the same clothes on February 1st to see the difference. I’ll post weekly updates here and talk about it on the podcast. I’m aiming for a 10 pound loss for the month one, which will come off when I trim this beard on the 2nd. I’m no clown!

I am also tracking my sleep to check on the improvement before and after, and I’ll let you know how that’s improving.

I’m confident I’ll lose weight and be healthier because I did it five years ago. In 2018, I dropped 30 easy, looked and felt better so while it’ll be a bit harder since I’m older and my side hustle is beer but, it’ll happen. I’ll still talk about the beer world and different beers out there; I won’t have as many of them.

Throughout the month, I’ll be trying some different hop waters and NA beers, which I’ll also talk about on the podcast. If there are any that you feel I should try, please let me know!